Friday, June 8, 2007

Word mail merge

Applies to
Microsoft Office Word 2003
Microsoft Word 2002

Mail merge step 1: Choose a document type and main document

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Applies to
Microsoft Office Word 2003
Microsoft Word 2002
Overview of the Word mail-merge process
Step 1: Choose a document type and main document
Step 2: Connect to a data file and select records
Step 3: Add fields to the main document
Step 4: Preview the merge and then complete it

This step in the mail-merge process involves two choices. First, you choose the type of document that you want to merge information into. Then, you choose the main document that you want to use. The main document is the document that you start with. It's the model for all of the merged documents that you eventually create.
Note Remember, we're using form letters as the example in this article series. If you are creating a set of merged labels or envelopes, the process is a little different. To go directly to information about labels or envelopes, click a link in the See Also section of this column.
Choose the type of document you want to merge information into
The Mail Merge task pane opens with a question about what type of merged document you are creating. After you choose, click Next at the bottom of the task pane.
Note If you don't see the Mail Merge task pane, on the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge (or Mail Merge Wizard, if you're using Word 2002).
If you have fax support set up on your computer and a fax modem installed, you will also see Faxes in the list of document types.
Choose the main document you want to use
If your main document (called the starting document in the task pane) is already open, or you are starting with a blank document, you can click Use the current document.
Otherwise, click Start from a template or Start from existing document, and then locate the template or document that you want to use.